- Financial & Compliance Reports

Financial & Compliance Reports

2023 Annual Financial Statement and Overview

  • Operating Revenues $400,516
  • Operating Expenditures $352,544
  • Total debt payments on waterworks infrastructure loans: zero
  • Comparison of waterworks revenues to expenditures plus debt payments, expressed as a ratio as required by provincial law:  400,516/352,544 + 0 = 1.14   Ratio = 57:50


An accrual accounting system of asset depreciation and deferred revenues is used for the Canora Rural Public Utility Board, which does not allow for the establishment of "reserves". 

  • Depreciated Capital Assets: $3,634,778
  • Deferred Revenues: $4,000,025

In other words, the overall capital revenues continue to be greater than the capital expenditures.

Waterworks Rate Policy

  • To have operating revenues that cover 100% of the operating expenditures.
  • To have water rates that provide for a reasonable operating surplus that can be used for emergency repairs and towards the capital replacement program in future years.

Waterworks Capital Investment Strategy

  • To subscribe new customers at a premium, and to use the excess revenues to build reserves for capital upgrades such as pumps and control panels and future pipeline and pumphouse replacement or expansion;
  • CRPUB's audited financial statements show our Deferred Revenues are greater than our Capital Assets. This means that CRPUB's capital revenues are greater than our capital expenditures, and that the Utility Board has been successfully building a "reserve" towards future capital upgrades and future pipeline replacement.

Canora Rural Public Utility Board
Drinking Water Quality and Compliance 2023

Saskatchewan Environment requires that at least once each year waterworks owners provide notification to consumers of the quality of water produced and supplied as well as information on the performance of the waterworks in submitting samples as required by a Permit to Operate a Waterworks.

Click view here to read or download the summary of the Canora Rural Public Utility Board's drinking water quality and sample submission compliance report for the year 2023. This report was completed on March 19,2024.